Tuesday 14 May 2024

I Am Only Making One Post Today,

although it is Tuesday I will be visiting Duncan, 

as Wednesday is Diana's day off and we will be going out, back to Monday, Diana arrived home from a all night work shift at 05.00 AM less than a couple of hours later I was up, after my exercises, shave, shower, posting the blog and breakfast I was out into a slightly grey day and walking into town, 

first stop the shoe repair shop on the bridge, one pair of black and one pair of brown laces and I was on my way,

walking past Beckenham green,

and the tricycle, 

and into Marks & Spencer's, I had a few things to pick up,

out of M & S the church nearly opposite, 

and back into the park, the wisteria on Foxgrove Lodge now past its best,

but the peonies looking like they will put on a good show shortly,

at the end of the side garden, 

a small rhododendron in full flower,

and putting on a good show,

back past the snail mail box and home, after my shave this morning I had finished my Joop after shave, 

so for the first time tomorrow I will start using a Christmas present from Dianamy favourite aftershave,

 sandalwood from Taylor of Old Bond Street, (if you are going to visit they are now at 74, Jermyn Street),

on the back of the box, "A true gentleman's discreetly fragranced cologne" hopefully that is me! after I arrived home in the afternoon, shortly after we were out, 

for our first picnic of the year, 

into a deserted park, unlike yesterday not a soul to be seen,

the natural woodland planted a few years ago looking nice as the trees are in leaf, 

no one on the benches at the rear of the mansion,

hardly anyone here, 

and just a few people in sight looking at the big oak, we made our way to the walled garden,

stopping on the way,

by a flowering rhododendron,

the flowers not as large as the ones we saw in Coombe Gardens, last week,

into a garden at the rear of what was the courtyard and stables,

the rose bushes here already in bloom,

and there was our bench, 

although not a drinking day, 

as it was our first picnic, 

out with the bubbly, 

for our picnic a selection of sandwiches, gala pie, potato salad and coleslaw, as well as a mixed fruit dessert, 

Diana's selection made, 

as was mine, 

then time for a few photographs, 

of all things,

of me!

the view in front of us in the walled garden,

and looking towards the courtyard,

our picnic finished we made a move for home,

past the lawn,

and these flowers, 

I am not sure if they are the black garlic (Allium nigrum L.) or the giant onion (Allium giganteum Regel), I will leave you to decide,

a look at a flower bed as we leave, 

and walk towards the mansion, 

and here is a little history of it, 

a pose by the snail mail box after which we will soon be home, in the evening we watched a couple of quiz shows and a Outback Opal Hunters before our evening film, for tonight,

The Remains of the Day, for some reason we had not watched the film before, now we have and what a treat it really was, great cast, acting, script and location, what was not to like! after which as Diana has another early start tomorrow, we were off to bed.

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