Thursday 30 May 2024

Blog Posted,

I was off, 

to visit Duncan, into a cold day as it happens, I got quite chilly waiting for the bus, 

I was soon onboard a number 54, passing Peter Pan's Pool,

heading towards Catford and making good time, until,

a driver change at the garage,

the huge wisteria in Catford now finished flowering, 

the market in Lewisham in full swing, 

but the florists in Blackheath next to the station not yet open,

as usual a change of trains at Dartford, 

in Gravesend as it happens I did not have to wait long for a number 483 bus, 

and was soon walking in a sunny day up the hill to the nursing home where Duncan lives, 

outside the roses has come to a early end, 

although a few were in flower, 

like these, 

most of the flowers had been blown away in the last weeks high winds, 

only this one had a nice show of blooms,

all of the others had literally just one bloom left, 

inside Duncan was in fine sprits, today was his birthday, we had bought him a shirt and some cherries as well as the usual crisps, chocolates etc I bring him every week, whilst there a squirrel called by, luckily I had some peanuts on me, so he joined in the birthday calibrations! when Duncan's lunch arrived we said our farewells, 

out into a warm day, so warm in fact I took off my waterproof top and fleece, 

I was in luck with the 483 bus and train, no stopping at Dartford, so straight through to Blackheath where the florists was open, first I had a look at the potted plants, 

these pots of bellflowers, (campanula), looking nice,

as were the cut flowers, 

on the other side of the door, 

I was soon walking into the park, in the garden of Foxgrove Lodge,
a few peonies,

looking nice, all pink,

and with a white middle,

it had turned into a warm day, Diana had beaten me home, after a few quiz shows, 

it was time for a read and a sherry,

a 'Cheers!', 

as we started with Parma wrapped melon on a bed of salad drizzled with plum sauce, 

for our main course chicken and noodles for Diana,

a 30 day aged steak for myself with all of the trimmings,

eyes down and tuck in, 

and what better to round off our meal?

profiteroles with cream and ice cream, delicious! it was then feet up for a BattleBots before a couple more from Life on Mars, then as Diana has a early shift tomorrow, we were off to bed.

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