Friday 31 May 2024

Diana Was Already At Work,

as I left for town, 

I had a few things to do, replace the battery in my watch, exchange our CO2 cylinder, and pick up some beetroot juice and garibaldi biscuits, the road works, I should say water main repairs that were due to take 3 days, were today, day 4, still blocking the High Street,
the High Street, 

with one way traffic, I called into the watch repair shop, which is also a general store and received the message from the assistant, "the battery guy decided not to come in today", so that was that, into Sainsbury's only one checkout open, so self checkout it was, I mentioned that I was exchanging a CO2 cylinder the helper said it was fine, scan the new one then scan the old one, which I did, I was charged for £26.00 each for 2 new ones! I called the helper over, she said let me try, she did, my bill went up from £52.00 for 2 new ones to £78.00 for 3 new ones! she used her staff button and managed to charge £13.00 for one, (less the old exchange) and also managed to remove one of the unwanted ones, but could not remove the second one, "go to the cigarette counter and they will refund the £26.00", and this was supposed to be the quick self check area! after looking at my receipt at the cigarette counter, the assistant informed me a refund could not be given until someone from upstairs came down to authorise it, I waited, and waited, the assistant kept trying to ignore me standing there, but could not as there was no one else at the counter, 10 minutes later, (I timed it), someone came down refund given, what should have been a quick in and out took way more time than it should have done, but there it is, 

i was soon walking past the Foxgrove lodge and home, where no sooner than I sat down with a coffee Diana arrived home, so she was off for a few ZZZZ's as she had a early start this morning, for myself a couple of quiz shows until it was time for our evening meal, which we followed with a Deadliest Catch and a Tuna Wars, we then settled down to go back in time to the 1970s with Life on Mars, after which we were off to bed.

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