Friday 17 May 2024

It Was A Househusband Day Today,

after Diana left for work, 

all of the usual, hoovering, watering the plants and cleaning the aquarium, all of the usual stuff, in the afternoon looking outside into a grey day, there he was, 

a drake on the roof of one of our next door neighbours, firstly with 2 legs, 

then balancing on one, 
I decided to take a look at the Venus fly trap stems I had planted a few weeks ago, more in hope than anticipation, that one or two might have started a new plant as I read could happen, but no luck,

 having said that there was a touch of green in the bottom left pot,

and there it was,

our first seed grown Venus fly trap! in fact there were three of them, this the most advanced of them, I seeded the trays on the 10th. January and had read that germination should take 6 - 10 weeks, so here we are 4 months since seeding and the first has arrived, I guess it pays to be patient! the trouble is that now I will be looking every day to see if we have more growing!

photograph henretcoletv in the afternoon I watched Junk and Disorderly, a series we had not watched before, it follows Henry and Sam as they buy and sell motoring memorabilia and the occasional car or motorcycle, great fun, after which a couple of quiz shows before my evening meal after which a Giant Lobster Hunters and a double helping of Deadliest Catch, when Diana arrived home we decided on a coffee and a chat as we watched,

 Men in Black: International, we had watched the film before a long time ago so it was nice to see it again after which we were off to bed.

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