Sunday 19 May 2024

In The Afternoon Diana Was At Work,

for myself I had a very pleasant surprise,

it started with a telephone call, I recognised the voice but could not place the person, I knew we had meet a long time ago,

photograph IMDB it was Richard Campbell, a friend from 30 or more years ago, we had lost touch when I moved to Thailand, before that we were and still are great friends, movie buffs will know him for V for Vendetta (2005), Victorians Uncovered (2001), The Hidden Hand: Alien Contact and the Government Cover-Up (2013), Great Escape: The Untold Story (2001), he also appeared in The Imitation Game (2014), and a few more, we chatted the afternoon away catching up on each others lives since we last meet, what a delightful way to spend the afternoon, after saying our goodbyes it was soon time for my evening meal,

first a read and sherry, as it happens tonight I finished the latest copy of Private Eye, so it was back to The Wilt Alternative before,

a huge plate of chicken curry that Diana had left for me, then feet up for,

 Mad Max: Fury Road (2015), it had such a set of fantastical vehicles, if you have not watched it and want great car/lorry chases this is the one! 

photograph John Plattas it happens I made a post about the stars of the film, the cars here, as the film ended Diana arrived home, so feet up for a coffee and a chat and some nice news form the Philippines, my niece Daisey Mae had her 18th birthday today,

and here she is at her party, if you go back to a post I made way back in November 2016, and scroll down you will see her as a nipper when our family went to Boracay, we watched a Have I Got More News For You and a Kenny Everett Show after which we were off to bed.

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