Thursday 23 May 2024

Blog Posted,

and I was out,

into a grey rainy day, 

a quick stop to post a letter,

then onto a number 54 bus to Blackheath Village, inside of the bus there was so much condensation,

with that and the rain outside, it made taking photographs a bit of a problem,

I soon arrived in the village, before the florists next to the station had opened,

lots of commuters waiting for the trains to London,

as usual I had to change trains at Dartford, a tree next to the weeping willow looked nice,

with its white flowers,

in Gravesend it was still grey, 

but the good news as I alighted from the bus it had stopped raining, up the hill to where Duncan is staying in a nursing home,

the skies still not clearing, and I thought summer was on the way!

the roses in one of the beds looking nice, like this yellow,

and red, 

but the wind and the rain had taken a toll on some of them, as I said hello to Duncan, there was a program on in the background about guns, so naturally Duncan and myself remembered some of the times we went to one of the many shooting ranges in Pattaya, back in our youth! we also remember a few of the other times we had out there, most notably in the Marine bar that had a boxing ring in the middle of it, I wonder if it is still there? as Duncan's lunch arrived we said our farewells,

 and I made a move outside and then to the bus to Gravesend station, where I was in luck, a through train to Blackheath meant that I did not have to change trains at Dartford, 

arriving at Blackheath the florists was open, so a photograph of the potted plants, 

and a couple, 

of the cut flowers for sale,

these blooms were huge,

I was soon on a number 54 bus and passing the awning covered Lewisham market,

and the Catford cat, 

the wisteria on this building now finished, 

as it happens a lot of the building is covered in plants,

through the rain covered window, one of the bus shelters on the other side of the road that has a bee garden on top of it, 

I passed Peter Pan's Pool,

I stayed on the bus until I hit town and alighted at the green,

over the road to Marks & Spencer's that is next door to a coffee and cake shop, time to buy my evening meal in M & S 

then back home, as I entered the park the white peonies were looking nice in the side garden of Foxgrove Lodge,

the rhododendrons past their best, 

as were the roses, all knocked about by the wind and the rain,

past the snail mail box and home, where after a couple of quiz shows, 

it was time for my read and a sherry, I should have mentioned waiting for me on my mat was the latest copy of Private Eye

for my starter a slice of gala pie, it is a pork pie with a boiled egg in the middle, 


the eyes down for a steak pie, after which I watched a BattleBots followed by a Deadliest Catch, just as it finished Diana arrived home so feet up for a coffee and a chat as we watched a Midsomer Murder, we then decided to watch the series,

 Life on Mars, we had in fact watched the series before, way back in 2014, so long ago we had almost forgotten it!, after the first episode we were then off to bed.

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