Friday 17 May 2024

I Have Always Been On The Fence,

regarding if one or more 'Big Cats' are roaming the UK countryside, 

image: Getty Images, so many people have claimed to have seen one roaming in the wild, but very little photograph or spore evidence has been seen or collected, but I am prepared to say one exists when DNA collected from a freshly killed carcass is collected, from the article,

‘the sheep carcass was discovered by Cumbrian resident Sharon Larkin-Snowden in an undisclosed upland location. Larkin-Snowden told Rick Minter’s Big Cat Conversations podcast that she chanced across the dead sheep one morning in October last year, Larkin-Snowden said the carcass was fresh and that she had disturbed whatever had been feeding on, which she then saw running towards a stone wall before disappearing over it, “I assumed at first it was a sheepdog, but then I did a double take and realised it was a black cat,” she said. “It was big – the size of a German shepherd dog.” Rick Minter, who has received more than 1,000 reports of people’s encounters with big cats, said the animal was most likely to have been a leopard.’

a black panther is the melanistic colour variant of the leopard (Panthera pardus) and the jaguar (Panthera onca), black panthers of both species have excess black pigments, so it does indeed look like there is a black big cat is roaming the UK countryside, the full article is here.

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