Sunday 26 May 2024

Is This The First Sign,

of the EV bubble bursting?

image AVP via Getty Images, two paragraphs caught my eye from the article:

‘It (Tesla), posted sales of £17billion for the three months to the end of March, which was a 9 per cent fall, and has recently announced plans to axe 10 per cent of staff – 14,000 job losses’,  

and the second paragraph:

'In September, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak delayed a UK ban on new petrol and diesel car sales from 2030 to 2035, while Germany and Sweden have reduced subsidies for vehicles',

the article is here, surprisingly it appears that owning a EV is not all peaches and cream, if this headline is to be believed:

‘Tesla driver locked out of car until he pays £20,000 for new battery’,

from the article:

'the 2013 plate vehicle is riddled with a fault that means liquid leaks onto the battery, which renders the car pretty much useless after it dies, as the car does not have a traditional key like most older vehicles, it cannot be accessed by its owner until power is restored, as Mario discovered, though, this costs a pretty penny – in his country Canada, Tesla charges $26,000 (£20,000) for a replacement battery, the motorist explained that he wasn’t the only one who had suffered the dead car fate, as he has been in contact with other Tesla owners whose vehicles had suffered the same fate’,

I guess do not use EVs if it is raining! the original article is here.

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