Monday 20 May 2024

Although It Was Sunday,

we were out for the morning and afternoon, 

we were going to have a late Sunday roast, also as we were out I took way too may photographs, so I am only making one post today, Steve and Kai were kindly picking us up,
a quick pose from Diana and we were on our way,
driving through, 

the leafy lanes of Kent, 

we soon came to a field of sheep,

this one with twins, 

one was interested in us as we stopped, 

then they all stopped grazing to look at us, 

we soon arrived at our destination, Tatsfield

made famous for this building, in the 6 part television series, Mr Bates Vs The Post Office, this was the post office featured in it, 

we passed the village bakery, 

before parking up,

looking behind us, 

and in front of us towards the village pond,

if you have seen the series this will be familiar, we were actually here to watch the start of a 218 mile relay race, 4 of the members of the running club Steve belongs to were taking part, it is not really a relay in that many of the 10 to 20 mile stages take place simultaneously, 

I grabbed a few snacks as Steve ordered the coffees,

on the right, the real post office of the village,

we grabbed a bench by the village pond,

I was looking for fish,

but the only thing of interest I could see, 

was a blue iris,

Steve arrived with the coffees, 

all set for the off!

the girls decided to sit on the grass,

group photograph,

I went to look at the pond,

as it happens there were a few small goldfish in it,

competitors were starting to assemble,

so I started to take photographs of the event,

there were runners from Kent and south east London in this stage, 

there all had to be checked in by the time keepers,

and a last minute briefing was given, 

I went to the other side of the pond where the runners would be passing,

briefing over, 

and a move towards the start line,

well wishers and family members of the runners,

leaving the group, 

only a few seconds to go, 

so I zoomed back for the off, 

and they were off!

the pack accelerating up the slight hill,

the leaders off to a quick start, 

followed by the pack,

in seconds most were past where I was standing,

the last few passing me by, 

and there they go, 

this leg is 13 miles or so long, 

Diana made a video of the start, 

then back to our coffees and cakes,

a couple of horse riders,

passed the green,

a usual sight in this part of Kent,

at the other side of the green, the finish line for the previous section of the race, the whole race roughly follows the M25 motorway which circles London,

as with most village greens there is a pub on it, 

and no I did not go inside! we watched a few runners finish then made our way to a shop selling tropical and coldwater fish, but mainly snakes, lizards and frogs, 

the shop was called Tatsfield Aquatics,

outside a small water feature, 

inside cages of creatures, 

like this lizard, 

and tortoises, 

also there were many vivarium's with lizards like this one and some with frogs and other amphibians, 

this chap, 

giving me the evil eye!

and a cricket hoping the sleeping lizard does not know he is hitching a lift,

in the boxes small snakes for sale,

lizards in the vivarium,

next a stop by this field, for 2 reasons,

a herd of llamas and alpacas, I am not sure which is which, maybe both, 

and some young ostriches, 

as it happens the biggest difference between llamas and alpacas is their size and the type of coat each of them has. Llamas grow a coarse wool coat, whereas an alpaca's hair is longer and finer, but we were to far away to tell the difference, 

a ostrich came over for a closer look, 

back into the country lane on our way here, 

a look at some of the flights offered, 

and of course lessons, 

now this is what I would like, a flight in a Spitfire, the 'Coastal Patrol' flight would be fine for me!

but this is what we were here for, a Blue Light Day

featuring the police and fire service, 

I remember back in the 1950s we used to call these 'Noddy' cars, 

a couple of fire engines showing the youngsters around them,

a light aircraft was revving up on the runway before take off, a private jet just landing, 

the jet taxing to the terminal,

as I was taking photographs I heard a familiar sound, 

a single seater Spitfire was coming in to land, followed by a twin seater Spitfire, magic,

two of the airports foam sprayers, 

in the distance the private jet just pulling up,

I wonder who is inside or getting on the jet?

Diana by one of the foam sprayers,

three police transports, 

I have to say the Morris was in tip top condition, 

on the way out I stopped at the memorial,

a statue to the men and women that served at Biggin Hill during both wars,

the legend, 

we were soon driving into the park where Steve and Kai kindly dropped us off home, after saying our farewells,

it was time for a read and a sherry, 

mussels and garlic bread for our starters,

all set to start, 

for our main course beef, with gravy for Diana,

sans gravy for myself, 

'Cheers!', we were so full we did not have a dessert, after listening to some music and as it was in the evening time for our film,

Tremors A Cold Day in Hellnot as well done as previous films in the series, but still enjoyable, after which Diana was off to bed, a early start for here tomorrow, for myself one from Have I Got News For You, before I too was off to bed.

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