Tuesday 30 March 2021

I Found This Video Totally Amazing,

virtual reality painting, 

 talented French/Russian artist Anna Zhilyaeva’s art is so special and as far as I am aware unique, using software like like Tilt-brush, Masterpiece and Anim VR, and a virtual reality headset, she is able to paint three-dimensional artworks often referred to as painted sculptures. She has performed at events all over the world, from the Louvre Museum to various technology and art festivals, and is recognized as a pioneer in the fields of virtual reality and mixed-reality painting, Anna has adopted the term “Volumism” to describe her virtual art, because of the freedom that this technology offers to create any volume and break the laws of gravity, for every one of her stunning VR paintings, Anna Zhilyaeva creates a mixed-media video that allows people not equipped with a virtual reality headset to watch her paint inside the virtual world. These videos are, in themselves, impressive works of art, with blockchain technology making digital art even more valuable in the form of tradeable and collectible NFTs, Anna Zhilyaeva’s VR paintings could see even more success in the very near future, for more of Anna’s amazing art, check out her official website, as well as her Instagram, what an amazing new art form.

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