Friday 14 May 2021

I Had A Quiet Day,

and some good news,

firstly some pictures of the house arrived,

the framework for stairs in place,

and the first of the roof supports going,

I am guessing most of the upper outside walls have been completed,

concrete poured,

the upstairs looking good, also on the good news front, Rainham Steve got in touch with the nursing home Duncan is in, next week we can pop down to see him, which will be nice for all of us, in the afternoon I spent some time on the aquarium and gave the plants a good cut back, they really were being to take over, 

after my evening meal it was feet up for Page Eight, a really good spy/espionage movie, great cast and storyline, well worth watching, Diana arrived home whilst it was still light, and we were in time for a New Tricks, followed by a Silent Witness before we were off to bed.

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