Wednesday 26 May 2021

Keeping To A Latest Trend Theme,

this is one you really do not want to go near,

this is a new and disturbing trend reportedly dubbed “calf blocking”, which essentially has young, healthy girls getting “less important” nerves in their legs surgically severed to permanently atrophy their calf muscles, so that their lower legs appear slimmer and straighter, as noted in the articlethere is no such thing as a less important nerve, and that once a nerve has been damaged, there is a high likelihood that it will never fully recover,

in a May 20 interview with The Paper, Dr. Zeng Chun, Deputy Director of the Department of Joint Surgery and Sports Medicine, Affiliated Hospital 3 of Southern Medical University, said that he was shocked when he first learned that girls were deliberately severing their leg muscle nerves to make their calves look leaner, apparently “calf blocking” is featuring on many forums where young girls are being persuaded to try to make unrealistic beauty standards, what some will do to be 'in fashion'.

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