Tuesday 15 February 2022

I Have Not Made A Post About A Tattoo Artist For Some Time,

so here is one from a talented artist from South Korea,

as it happens Bucheon-based tattoo artist Abii had spent about six years working as a professional porcelain painter, photographs Tattooist Abii/Instagram © Abii,

her mentor advised her to also start looking at expressing herself on human skin, as a tattoo artist,

not an easy thing to do in South Korea, the Asian country is the only developed nation where tattooing is technically illegal unless it’s done by a licensed medical doctor, so most tattoo artists today are part of an underground community,

putting that to one side, the artist commented, “My tattoo style is really an extension of porcelain painting,” Abii told InkPpl Magazine. “It’s just that my canvas turned from porcelain to skin, the tool from brush to needle, and the material from paint to ink. The color that I use and the concept that I want to express remain the same.”

“My tattoos are usually detailed and have a feminine flow and color,” Abii told Scene360. “If I decide on a specific genre, it could be a realism tattoo. I want to express my mood with bright colors (like watercolor) while keeping the realism of the tattoos unique in completeness and sophistication.”

you can view more of her dreamy watercolour like tattoos on her Instagram page, I have to say nice though the tattoos are, I think I will give them a miss.

1 comment:

jpo5626 said...

Stan & Diana Some of the best fine line tattoos we have seen. Real art and love the bright color palette.
John and Alley