Friday 18 February 2022

We Now Entered A Room,

the contents of which almost defy description,

it was the room of Micromosaics,

from the web site '. The galleries’ (rooms 70 – 73) constantly changing display includes a spectacular group of micromosaics – some of the finest in the world. This slideshow takes a look at some of these incredibly intricate works of artistry – and patience',

'the earliest micromosaics were made in Rome during the second half of the 18th century. The mosaics shown here showcase the virtuosity of the early micromosaicists, and give a glimpse into the world in which they were created. Rome, with its magnificent heritage and as the meeting point for culture-hungry northern Europeans, was the natural place of origin for this new technique',

I was snapping away,

there were lots of examples in so many drawers, and like the portrait miniature galleries, magnifying glasses were provided,

we reluctantly left the Micromosaics,

and continued our walk,

past this table,

and other items of furniture,

looking down,

we made our way to the next hall,


I have to say I was more interested in the books that lined the walls,

and those on the first floor,

but we were here now looking at all things modern,

as it happens we made a post about a Chinese typewriter back in May 2021,

back from the future, or I should say now,

a little bit too over the top for myself,

there was also a section on tea and how it influence our habits, these teapots a real delight,

back to the main area, 

the blue. yellow, red, on the left is one of the cleaners dusting the statues,

bags anyone?

or earrings maybe?

next the clothes section,

including, wait for it,

the male wardrobe of yesteryear,

back to the ladies,

we then looked at the Raphael Cartoons, which are seven large cartoons for tapestries, belonging to the British Royal Collection but since 1865 on loan to the Victoria and Albert Museum in London,

 designed by the High Renaissance painter Raphael in 1515–16 and showing scenes from the Gospels and Acts of the Apostles,

we then found ourselves in the Far East,

each case displaying works from each county,

into the Middle East,

next to Diana a huge carpet,

this jug shone out like no other,

made from one piece of crystal, amazing!

almost our final stop,

 a rather packed gift shop,

'that one!',

we had been walking for 4 or 5 hours,

so we decided to call it a day, until we came to the Chinese gallery,

we started towards the exit, and then there she was,


a closeup of Diana, visit over, what a fabulous museum, and best of all it is free to everyone,

we walked back past the side of the Natural History Museum,

and this wisteria covered lounge,

having flowers at the entrance seems to be getting popular, as this Thai restaurant has some as well,

one of the few remaining book shops in the area,

we were soon in Leister Square,

walking past the buskers,

we did not have any breakfast, so into Chinatown it was then,

but first a few photographs,

I could not believe the size of the queues going into LEGO,

or for that matter M & M's,

this looked terrible, bikes just dumped on top of each other on a street corner, hopefully no one will trip over them,

and here we are at the main Chinatown gate,

we turned right into Chinatown proper,

we were going to a restaurant that Diana and Kai had been to before and really liked,

past the lions,

and there it is, the Four Seasons, there are 3 restaurants here of that name, this is the one in Gerrard Street,

for a change a glass of white, we just had a main course, fried noodles,

 chicken with cashew nuts,

3 types of roast, duck, crispy pork and bar-b-q pork,

and a egg fried rice, the bill came to £60.00 including service charge, we were full to bursting!

Diana had bought a Filipino ice cream for the train journey home, when we arrived it was feet up for a Midsomer Murder and then our film for the evening,

Hunter Killer, which was all sort of Gung Ho, not to mention not in the slightest believable, but fun to watch even having said that, I am posting in reverse order, so the next posts will appear, hopefully if I  finish it, later this afternoon, and the next one early evening, as they are big posts I am sure I may have made a few mistakes, if I have sorry about that! after which we were off to bed.

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