Wednesday 22 May 2024

I Had A Great Nights Sleep,

I awoke feeling much better,

the headache, chough, and sneezes a thing of the past, what ever it was I had had disappeared as suddenly as it arrived, I am only making one post again today and as soon as that is posted I will be off to visit Duncan, back to Tuesday, 

the duck was back, again today only one of them, although I felt much better I had a lazy day, in the afternoon Diana returned home form work, so it was feet up for a couple of quiz shows before our evening meal, then a BattleBots followed by a Wicked Tuna, I have to say watching Wicked Tuna in a couple of these a few boats suffer from the same problem, too many chiefs and not enough Indians, one guy, the worker, i.e. the person reeling in the fish, had 3 or 4 different commands and counter commands shouted at him by all of the other captains on the boat, 

somewhat akin to Dave above, it was then feet up for our evening film tonight,

 Mad Max 2, which we both enjoyed, it seems strange to think that Emil Minty, who played the feral kid is now over 50 years old, after that we watched a Midsomer Murder, again one we had watched before, but such a long time ago, after which we were off to bed.


jpo5626 said...

Dear Stan-wow, unknown 24 hour bug grabbed you! Glad it decided to let go and that you are back with the living! Take care!
John and Alley

PattayaStan said...

Dear John and Alley, great that I am back to my normal self, what ever I had was almost literally a 24 hour bug, I had thought it was going to turn into a full blown cold that would last 3 or 4 days or more, but I am thankful it was not! best regards, Stan and Diana.