Friday 29 October 2021

Diana Went To Work,

for myself I had a really lazy day,

I watched a few documentaries and looked at lots of YouTube clips, in the evening Diana called so down to the bus stop and home, after a  couple of quiz shows we settled down to watch a fascinating documentary by Bettany Hughes,

 titled Pompeii: Secrets of the Dead, which we both found fascinating, although a little disturbing, I had thought that the pyroclastic flows were so hot that everybody died almost instantaneously, but it appears as this documentary explains, that many poor souls were slowly roasted to death, for those in the harbour at Herculaneum taking some 15 minutes or more to die, the brick archways of the harbour they were sheltering in meant that the heat was not instantaneous, they, thinking they were safe, were slowly cooked to death, moving on just as this finished New Tricks started, after watching that we were off to bed.

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