Saturday 23 October 2021

With Halloween Just About A Week Away,

what better than a visit to see some scary dairy dolls?

if you are lucky enough to live near or can visit Minnesota, you can call in to see the cursed cast of the History Centre of Olmsted County’s notorious Creepy Doll Contest, all photographs except the bottom 2 © History Centre of Olmsted County, the centre launched the project in 2019 as a way to explore its collection, although it’s since created an annual event so if you’re in Minnesota, you can attend the creepy doll cocktail party on October 23 or cast your vote for the demonic character most likely to haunt your dreams on Instagram, here are the introductions,

“Miss Abyss”


“Lady Corn Husk”

“Professor Moriarty”

“Princess Aouda”

“Cloudy Eye”

“Miss Havisham”

“Lizzie Bordon”


when ever I see creepy dolls like these I am always reminded of a visit we made to London in 2016, where we eventually arrive at Pollocks Toy Museum, even in the day time Diana was a bit wary of them,

they almost look like the could become alive! if you like dolls there are a few more posts about them here and here, for next week Happy Halloween!

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