Saturday 30 September 2023

Another Busy Early Start Day,

so again I am only making one post,

as first thing today I have a appointment with the nurse for my covid booster jab, back to Friday, I spent most of yesterday posting the blog, in the late afternoon I had a chat with the painters who were repairing one of our windows, the one that has to be replaced will happen in a few weeks, yesterday I mention that we could not get back to London on the boat as the bridge was stuck, as you can see the event was recorded by Roldan Fidias in the photograph above, the article is here, in the late afternoon Diana left for work as she is on late shift this evening, 

after my evening meal I was out, but not before having a chart with Jenny who is Cambodian Mark's sister, tomorrow she will be travelling up to se us and pick up a couple of boxes we are looking after for Mark,

the nights are now starting to draw in, 

into the club grounds and past the tennis courts,

and into the club where I meet up with Steve, also joining us Frank called by, we chatted that night away, after saying our farewells we made a move for our homes, Diana arrived home shortly after myself, so it was a coffee and a chat as we watched a Midsomer Murder before we were off to bed.

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