Tuesday 5 September 2023

We Continued Across The Landing,

to The Four Poster Room,

as it is known,

nicely laid out,

with the smallest four poster bed I have ever seen,

drapes to the floor,

something must have happened to the fireplace,

a nice bath it has to be said,

we made our way downstairs, 

stopping on the way,

we just had to!

into the Housekeepers room,

floor to ceiling linen cupboards I guess they are,

as this sort of thing goes quite comfy,

behind Diana the tradesmen's entrance,

as it happens Denys Eyre Bower was a Buddhist, a little about him,

a few photographs,

in the room,

which Diana found fascinating,

it seemed so strange seeing this, it reminded us of our time in Thailand,

we entered the Egyptian section, a time table, 

at one end 3500 BC

at the other mention of Julius Caesar, only a few nights ago we had been watching I, Claudius, 

a few words about Egypt, we kept hearing about how Denys Eyre Bower was imprisoned,

and here is proof of that,

and this is why,

we both love the Egyptian period of history, 

a trip down the Nile would suit us both down to the ground,

we made our way into the study of Denys Eyre Bower,

a great take on the Boys Own Annual,

a few other personal possessions,

the good and the bad, (no mention of ugly),

in the same cabinet, 

the legend, I wonder if the authorities will ever want it back?

a little about the man himself,

and in not so good times,

a selection of newspaper cuttings of his crime,

a view of his room,

with nearby bathroom, 

I have not seen wooden seats since my first days at school in the1950s,

today's kids would not use them for health and safety reasons, those splinters could hurt! I suddenly realised I had mislaid Diana, 

then I saw this, 

I did not say a word,

she was as happy as Larry,

totally lost in her play,

and then she saw me,

fits of laughter,

Diana was playing with a Egyptian alphabet,

and there we have it, Diana Stanley, there is no E in Egyptian hieroglyphics supplied with the board above, 

although I have managed to find out that 'e' can be one of the above,

next into the servants hall,

cupboards for crockery,

and a basic fireplace,

a little about life below stairs,

a bigger table would have been here in the day,

we popped outside,

to an almost private garden,

with its own very impressive door,

the castles kitchen, 

but without todays mod cons, no refrigerator for one, just a ice box,

but we do have one of these in our bathroom, thankfully being in an old building we have high ceilings, a great way to dry washing,

the oven for daily cooking,

this one just for bread and cakes,

next to that hinged stairs leading to the room that hams and meats are cured and hung in, Diana is trying on one of the garments that tweenies and maids used to wear,


so cute!

next to the kitchen,

the scullery

we walked outside,

before driving home,

we thought we would walk to the bridge from the castle end,

nearly there,

and here it is, 

we found out that at one time this was a road that connected Chiddingstone Castle to Penshurst Place, but many years ago the road was diverted,

a look to the right,

and left,

another bridge in the distance,

some of the waterlilies flowering,

back to the car,

but first,

a few more poses,

or two,

or three,

or four!

and then I had to,

well we are only here once,

as we left I noticed this,

the castle has its own letter box,

how neat is that?

we were soon driving through the gates,

this building here is where you can buy locally produced fresh eggs,

on to country roads,

we soon hit the motorway,

and arrive shortly afterwards at Lidl in Beckenham, we had some shopping to do, 

not many cut flowers today, shopping over it was home and feet up for our evening meal, 

Diana cooked herself a pork and rice dish, for myself melon wrapped in Parma ham on a bed of salad with lots of beetroot that we had just bought in Lidl, delicious! I then started on the blog as tomorrow I will be out early for my weekly visit to Duncan, after a few hours I called it a halt and we watched a Midsomer Murder before we were off to bed.

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