Sunday 3 September 2023

Grab A Coffee,

a large one, and if you are like me, be prepared to be amazed, 

as my English Lit master would say to the class, "ears akimbo for knowledge" I found this video amazing, imagine a wolf, that looks like a fox on horse legs, and it eats mostly vegetables and even has a mane! This is just one of the creatures in this amazing video, which introduces us to some strange creatures from Mamadou Ndiaye, that's the internet zoologist Mamadou Ndiaye, not the basketball player Mamadou Ndiaye, or the other basketball player Mamadou Ndiaye, I had no idea but apparently Mamadou Ndiaye is a pretty common name, back to the video, some of the creatures I knew about but there were one or two surprises, so grab a coffee and hopefully you will see it through to the end and hear the what the clouded leopard sounds like, it was not what I expected for sure!

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