Sunday 24 September 2023

Diana Was On Late Shift Again Today,

so we spent a quiet morning, 

on the good news front at 08.00 AM I let the roofers in to charge up their battery operated tools, hopefully another few weeks and the scaffolding can come down, after Diana left for work I watched Europa Report, I somehow seemed to have missed it when it was released in 2013, a nice easy going and somewhat believable storyline with superb special effects, 

I kept to a sci-fi theme with a film we have both watched and enjoyed before, The Fifth Element, two hundred and fifty years in the future, life as we know it is threatened by the arrival of Evil, only the fifth element can stop the Evil from extinguishing life, as it tries to do every five thousand years, we know the four elements are earth, fire, wind and water, but what or who is The Fifth Element? a great cast and very enjoyable

it was then time for my read and sherry,

Diana had bought me a prawn cocktail,

and a sausage hot pot, 

'Cheers!', before it was eyes down to tuck in, 

I followed my meal with Men in Black: International, I enjoyed the others in the series but this is what I wrote when we watched the film before, "OK great special effects, but there seemed to be some sort of hidden agenda, as if the writer had some axe to grind, but then no one was going to fill the boots of Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones", with the end of that Diana arrived home bearing Christmas treats,

the first of the seasons mince pies,

and marzipan stollen bites, 

but for tonight some more of the delicious chestnuts I had bought when in Blackheath, we watched one episode of Have I Got More News For You, before we were both off to bed.

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