Saturday 16 September 2023

When I Think Of Shopping Malls,

I always think of the huge outlets I have read about in America, 

photograph Anakarnia/Wikimedia Commons, so it came as a surprise to find out that America does not have the biggest mall in the world, that title is given to Iran Mall, located northeast of Teheran, Iran, the centre is huge by any definition, it will ultimately measure 1.6 million square meters once development is completely finished, the mall also entered the Guinness Book of Records for the longest continuous pour of concrete, as concrete was poured non-stop for 6 whole days during its construction, which finished in 2018, just a couple of the many features you will see there are the Mirror Hall based on the Hall of Mirrors at the Golestan palace, composed of 38 million pieces of mirror and 126 square meter Persian carpet, the jewel in crown of the mall is the Jondishapour Library, with its fine wood panelling and collection of over 45,000 volumes of books manuscripts and documents,

Iran Mall is not only a place to shop, it has an amusement park, rooftop tennis courts, a convention centre, a hotel, a multiple conference halls, an Olympic-standard ice-rink for skating and hockey, as well as a bowling alley with 16 lanes, I had a look at the number of IMAX cinemas in the UK, there are three, go to the Iran Mall, there are 12, yes 12 IMAX cinemas, a film goers seventh heaven! now this is one place I would not mind going window shopping to!


jpo5626 said...

Dear Stanley and Diana
Malls in USA have fallen out of favor due to liberal policies lately passed by politicians to not punish criminals. We have many roving gangs (80% or more negro youth) that walk in the enclosed mall areas with no intention of purchasing- they are there to harass normal shoppers and then to shoplift merchandise. Some stores report up to 25% shrink of inventory. Most over 50 avoid malls due being potentially robbed or victimized. The parking areas are most dangerous as single women continue to report robbery and injuries, due to the youth hoodlums.
Police have no authority to punish these bad people as courts either dismiss or release them next day. So they continue to steal, triggering many of the large anchor stores to shut down. At that point the mall landlord then does not have the rent coming in so defaults on his bank loan. Malls and mall real estate stocks are now all considered poison as their have a high risk of going broke. Many malls here have been repurposed to become city property with police stations, city administration offices, driver’s license offices and libraries.
People now only shop on line or at small out of the way strip malls with few stores. Great advantage for Amazon longer term….we do 80% of our non food purchases there and believe most others do so. Only the youth, roving gangs and desperate housewives that using shopping for entertainment tend to still support malls here. They are high risk and rapidly becoming a thing of the past. Decay in America!
John and Alley

PattayaStan said...

Dear John and Alley, we are seeing the same over here, gangs of ethnics, I am not allowed to mention which group, wander into malls and stores and help themselves, just last week a shop keeper fought back, only the last part of a video was publish, not the bit that showed the ethnic viciously assaulting the shopkeeper several times,

that was 4 days ago, since then the shopkeeper has been hounded out of his business and home, you only have to read the comments to see who the silent majority support, and the police? to busy giving out tea, biscuits and sympathy to the Stop Oil protesters that block the roads, even to emergency services, and naturally make sure the illegals that arrived on rubber boats get off of the jetty safely! As for malls Croydon borough was going to get a Westfield shopping mall, but it all went mustang, so that was that, best regards, Stan and Diana.

jpo5626 said...

Dear Stanley and Diana
Sad that one race seems to have different ethics than all other groups and the only one that can’t come to a country and prosper. We moved from Nashville TN (9years) and then Florida (6years) years ago due to growing negro immigrants and the huge crime wave and risk that they brought to the area. For past 15 years USA state department has been importing full flights of Africans to flood “welcoming “ cities. Finally In Nashville and the state told the state department no more as this action brought crime and degrading of communities due to no work ethic, no morals (so criminals ) BUT the USA state dept under black Obama said they would not listen and to this day continue to have huge numbers of Africans deposited to key USA cities, put in housing, free healthcare and welfare-for life. These folks cause 80% of repeated crimes but there is nothing the citizens can do but move.
We now live in a rural town that is 99% white and ZERO crime! We see and hear others moving here that have the same story. anyway, town of 11,000 with 43 aggressive armed police officers make this place seem like 25 years ago in US-safe and orderly. Alley is Asian. She fits right in here and 100% accepted.
Our corrupt, stupid Federal Government continues to destroy the qualify of life here but few know these events are going on due to a crooked media that supports only progressive change. I don’t like change that brings risk and crime but there it is!
I am not racist, as grew up in a half negro half white school. I feel the way I do from observation over past 70 years and how one race has only take , and worked to destroy our country. Statistics: Current federal prison population
Over 50% negro
26% illegal foreigners
24% white, Hispanic, Asian.
And negro only make up 12% of of total population- so you can see they are a big problem that continues to grow.
John and Alley

PattayaStan said...

Dear John and Alley, I wish I could say it is different over here, but sadly it is not, our courts are becoming more and more lenient towards violent crime, only yesterday a not one of us thug used a gun, the police chased and caught him, after appearing court he was sentenced to just 5 years, he will be out in 2 years, aged 20 his street 'cred' will have grown enormously, and be welcome back to his gang, there are times when I really think there is no hope for us, best regards, Stan and Diana.