Wednesday 5 May 2021

I Find This So Amazing,

a woodpecker in order to make more noise,

in its mating/territorial display, now uses metal to make the sound louder, many people saying the sound is of a machinegun, male and female Northern Flickers, (Colaptes auratus), are popularly known as “machine gun woodpeckers” because of the sound they make when hitting their beak on metal, the Northern Flicker is a woodpecker native to most of North America, parts of Central America, Cuba, and the Cayman Islands. It is 7 to 15 inches long, with a brown, barred back and black spotted under-parts. From early spring and into midsummer, this bird likes to make its presence felt by making a loud, evenly spaced, rapid drumming sound by hammering their beaks against metallic surfaces, it may sound cute,

but this is what you have to put up with when a pair make a nest on a metallic chimney top, this is the sound inside the house the chimney is built in, but this is what makes this for myself so amazing, originally the woodpeckers used wood, so what piece of man made metal did they use first to make their sound louder?

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