Friday 28 April 2023

Do You Believe In Ouija Boards And Séances?

apparently many do, 

which has lead to this new Ouija board being viewed as blasphemy by conservative Christians, so it’s no wonder that a known exorcist has come out and publicly warned people not to play around with the board game, going as far as to call it a “trap from the devil”, so what is different about this version of the game? the layout of the planchette is similar to that of a Ouija board, only it is decorated with Christian symbols like Jesus crucified on the cross, three angels, and a dove, and instead of the triangular pendant moved on the Ouija board, the Holy Spirit Board uses a golden cross,

“GET THE ANSWERS YOU NEED!” the board game’s description reads, “The Holy Spirit Board can answer all of life’s most important questions, straight from the man himself! “Unlike other spirit boards, this one will NEVER contact evil ghosts or demons, so you can ask your questions with an assured sense of safety.” 

the response from Roman Catholic Father Ernesto Caro of the Diocese of Monterey, Mexico, said in an interview with EWTN’s ‘News Nightly’. “Ouija games and all this are forbidden in the Bible.” adding “The devil is always looking for different ways he can trap all the victims that he can take for him", and this is one, “If the triangle is moving by itself, be careful, it’s not God who is moving, it’s the devil,” Caro, who is known to perform exorcisms, warned, if you are worried about this game do not go to this link where it is on sale, and if you have already bought the game and are having second doubts about your purchase the exorcist said that you should get rid of the board as quickly as possible, go to confession, and ‘repent and ask God for liberation’, you should also ask a priest to give an extra blessing for protection, just to be safe, as it happens I think as far as board games are concerned we will stick with Monopoly.

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