Tuesday 21 December 2021

It Is Going To Be A Small Post Today,

and only one of them, as first thing in the morning,

Steve and Kai are calling round to pick us up, we are all doing our pre-Christmas shopping at Costco, back to Monday, Diana was at work in the afternoon so for myself it was just water and play with the orchids, three of them have developed flower spikes, so I put some bamboo splints on them to keep the flowers away from the cold glass windows that they had started to touch, luckily not breaking any of them, in the evening after a couple of quiz shows and my evening meal,

 it was feet up for Red, which was highly enjoyable, 

after seeing John Malkovich I just had to watch Being John Malkovich, here is what I commented last time I watched the film, 'Craig, a puppeteer, takes a filing job in a low-ceilinged office in Manhattan, although married to the slightly askew Lotte, he hits on a colleague, the sexually frank Maxine, she's bored but snaps awake when he finds a portal leading inside John Malkovich: for 15 minutes you see, hear, and feel whatever JM is doing, for me there were no 'highs' or 'lows' in the movie it was just so riveting to see what was going to happen next', after Diana arrived home it was feet up for a Lewis, followed by a New Tricks, before we were off to bed.

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