Monday 25 July 2022

If You Live In Japan And Are Going For A Job Interview,

and see one or more of these at the workplace,

be warned your new company will work you hard, very hard, so what is it with the box? behold the upright sleep box! Tokyo-based furniture specialist Itoki Corporation and Koyoju Gohan, a plywood supplier from Hokkaido, recently signed a license agreement to start production of what is becoming known as a "nap pod" apparently with workers spending so much time at work, the nap pods will ensure that they are comfortably supported so that they don’t fall over as they have a sleep break,

“In Japan, there are a lot of people who will lock themselves up in the bathroom for a while, which I don’t think is healthy. It’s better to sleep in a comfortable location,” Saeko Kawashima, communications director at Itoki, said in a recent interview. “I think a lot of Japanese people tend to work continuously with no breaks. We are hoping that companies can use this as a more flexible approach to resting.” The nap boxes, which have been compared to human-sized water heaters or upright tanning beds, reportedly offer comfortable support for the head, knees, and back, allowing users to take sort naps, price and availability have not been announced yet, but Kawashima said that her company hopes the nap boxes will boost employee productivity while also promoting a healthy work culture, I would have thought a healthy work culture would have been one where you do not work your staff so hard that they need a sleep pod, but there it is.

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