Sunday 10 July 2022

It Was A Glorious Day,

Diana had left for work,

so for myself it was downstairs and on the the sun lounger, I finished The Painted Voyage, and what a great read it was too, from one review of the book:

'From Patagonia to Peking, the South Seas to the Sahara, western artists have played a vital role in the exposure of unfamiliar lands. From Jacques Le Moyne's paintings of Florida in 1564 to the development of portable cameras in the late-19th century, artists were a habitual feature of explorational, scientific and diplomatic voyages.''

a truly great read,

in the evening with my sherry I made a start on Seven Pillars of Wisdom by T. E. Lawrence, as it happens I had read the book before several years ago, but decided to read it again,

for tonight a starter of a prawn cocktail,

followed by a cottage pie,' Cheers!',

I rounded off the meal with some melon, in the evening I watched a couple of history documentaries until Diana arrived home then it was on with the BBCi player I think it is called, to watch a Silent Witness before we were off to bed.

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