Sunday 16 July 2023

Although It Was Diana's Day Off,

we decided to stay in for the day,

having said that it was so windy places like Kew Gardens closed for the day because of the winds, after posting the blog it was time for breakfast, with one of my favourites, smoked haddock warmed in milk,

for Diana scrambled eggs,

'Cheers!', with a mug of tea, during the day Diana caught up with a few things around the flat, as we watched a number of quiz shows,

 and a number of episodes of The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes a television series that ran from 1984 to 1985,

for our evening meal fish for both Diana and myself, for Diana sea bass,

poached salmon for myself, lots of brain food today!

'Cheers!', with a white wine,

for dessert, rum and raisin ice cream,

delicious! after which another couple of Sherlock Holmes, we rounded the evening off with,

Legends of the Fall, as it happens we had both guessed pretty much what happens so before it ended we were off to bed.

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