Sunday 23 July 2023

Unless I Am Outside,

at say a fun fair or similar, or at home,

I am not a fan of burgers, or melted cheese, so here is a offering from Burger King Thailand that I would avoid like the plague, a ‘Real Cheeseburger’ that consists of 20 slices of cheese between two sesame burger buns, and that is it, no sauce, no pickles, and no meat, and apparently the cheese is sometimes not even grilled or melted,

“That’s not a burger. It’s a portable heart attack,” one person tweeted about the cheesy burger, someone else said in a TikTok video, “At first I thought it was a joke, but it was actually sold to me,” but here is the thing, people have been flocking to Burger King locations in Thailand in droves just to try the unusual burger, it has been selling at a discounted price, 109 Thai baht at todays rate £2.46 or $3.17 compared with the usual price of 380 baht at todays rate £8.59 or $11.04 and some restaurants have had to suspend delivery orders just to keep up with demand from walk-in diners,  
“I could only finish half of it,” a curious diner said, “This is an insane amount of cheese added into one burger. Food is good when things are at the right combination.” Initially, the Real Cheeseburger was supposed to be a very limited-time offer, with Thursday being the last day you could buy one at Burger King, as of yesterday some locations are still selling it, the New York Times reports that the cheesy fast food treat is still available for order online and at least one physical location and one employee told the news outlet that it would remain on the menu at least until July 20th. all I can say is that I am looking forward to not eating a Burger King Real Cheeseburger!

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