Thursday 13 July 2023

First Thing,

I was on my way, 

to visit Duncan, it looked warm, but I was soon glad that I took my fleece with me,

the number 54 bus was soon speeding past Peter Pan's Pool,

and Lewisham market, 

I arrived in Blackheath Village before the florists had fully opened,

then some bad news, the 09.31 that I normally catch terminates half way to Gravesend at Dartford, why? I have no idea,

 as I waited at Blackheath I hoped I would not have long to wait at Dartford, 

but again I was out of luck, the next train to Gravesend the 10.30, 

a look at the pond by the station, today the fountain not working,

I arrived at Gravesend station and bus hub, the sky was defiantly looking darker,

by the time the 483 arrived at the nursing home stop I though it might rain,

but by the time I arrived at the home the weather had started to improve,

the roses now well past their best, Duncan was in fine sprits, we chatted away as we watched a few clips from Bangkok and Pattaya where we holidayed a few times, bearing in mind Diana and myself left Thailand just 5 or so years ago, the videos we were watching showed so many changes, some of the streets I barely recognised, we also chatted about the farm we went to the day before, I had brought some cherries along for Duncan which he really enjoyed, remarking he had not eaten cherries for years, when his lunch arrived we said our farewells as I made a move to the bus stop,

the bus will be here any minute now, 

and you guessed it, another change of trains at Dartford, 

arriving in Blackheath, 

at the florists new for this week, chillies,

on the other side of the entrance a few potted plants,

whilst waiting at the stop for the number 54, the rain started,

passing the never ending refurbishment,

the scaffolding to the bell/clock tower still there,

past the sunflowers opposite Lewisham hospital,

the bee gardens on top of some of the bus shelters,  

now looking very sorry for themselves,

dry and died out in some places, a pity that when planned someone did not include a regular plan to water them, 

by now the rain had stopped, so a dry walk home,

at home it was soon time for our evening meal, but first a read and a sherry,

for Diana a selection of fish and vegetables,

for myself a sirloin streak with all of the trimmings,

eyes down,

and tuck in!

Diana had made a strawberry dish for dessert, with pink meringue and, wait for it, Baileys cream!

it was delicious, and Diana was a little tipsy after eating it! after which we watched ITVX for a couple of Midsomer Murders before we were off to bed.

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