Tuesday 25 July 2023

I Type Our Blog Pretty Much Every Day,

and have done so since we started our blog way back in 2008,

so you would think I could type quickly by now, but you would be so wrong! it still takes me an age using pretty much one finger on my dominate hand with just a few letters using my left hand, so I was amazed when a drummer decide not to talk, but let his drums do the talking, grab a coffee and watch Eric Carr, who is a master percussionist turn his drums into a QWERTY-arranged keyboard, not speaking a word he uses his drums to talk, during the video He spells a few words, the most challenging of which is "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" from Mary Poppins, in the comments, Carr notes that the hardest words for him to spell were "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" and, a YouTuber's favourite, "subscribe", for more of his videos and teaching skills have a look here, what a skill he has, absolutely amazing.

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