Saturday 15 July 2023

I Had A Early Morning Visitor,

Alan from Rainham called by,

on a Harley Davidson Fat Bot 114, which translates as 1,868 cc, 

we chatted the morning away, 

until the prospect of rain,

decided to end the visit,

so off and away,

to Rainham, hopefully dodging the rain, after which Diana left for work, for myself a househusband day, the one I do not like as it involves cleaning the lime scale from the glass bathroom shelves, I am always so worried about breaking one when cleaning them, but all went well, it is a shame that the water here so so hard, the limescale is unbelievable, I also waited for some packages for a friend to be delivered which arrived in the late afternoon,

after which it was time for a white wine and a read, 

followed by a delicious chicken curry that Diana had made for me earlier, and I remembered to use a big plate!

eyes down and tuck in,

I was then off to meet Steve and Jason, so into a wet evening, as luck would have it a number 54 was close to the stop, 

so I caught that to Beckenham and then a 227 to Penge,

where we meet up in the Moon & Stars, and chatted the evening away, after saying our goodbyes, again I was in luck with the buses, a 358 arrived almost as soon as we did at the stop,

so I took that to Beckenham and then a number 54 home, where it was feet up, Diana had already arrived home, so time for a film, 

for tonight Countess Dracula, making the film from the legend of Hungarian Countess Elizabeth Báthory de Ecsed (1560-1614), who was according to the Guinness Book of Records, was the most murderous woman in history, She is reputed to have tortured and murdered young women in her charge during the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, over time, the facts of Bathory’s life have mingled with myth, in any event it made a very enjoyable film, after which we were off to bed.

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