Friday 28 July 2023

We Had A Lazy Day,

Diana was on late shift so we just watched a few shows during the day,

after Diana left for work and my evening meal I watched a couple of quiz shows, which I followed with Bloodbath at the House of Death, a horrific comedy, or a funny horror if you preferer, with Kenny Everett playing opposite Vincent Price, it was never going to be serious, great fun all round,

I followed that with Blue Planet Revisited, it promised so much, but I turned it off after 20 minutes or so, I will not be watching the second in the series, I enjoy documentaries, but I hate brain washing, which is exactly what this program was, nothing but global warming, CO2 increasing, and death to us all just around the corner in almost every statement, I am not saying global warming is here or not, but it is up to me to make my decision on it, not be bombarded by being repeatedly told so in what should be a impartial documentary, astonishingly bad, the good news was that Diana arrived home, so ITVX it was to join the murders at Midsomer, where after which we were off to bed.

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