Tuesday 11 July 2023

It Is Diana's Day Off Today,

and as we have a early start on Tuesday,

I will only be making one post today, back to Monday,

I accompanied Diana to the bus stop,

a bit of a overcast day, but it was so warm,

Diana needed a 354 to go to work, I want that or a number 54 to go to town, the 54 was first, did the driver see me?

all set,

and ready to go, Diana had a bit of a wait for the 354, 

for myself past the green,

and off at the stop by the florists,

today they had a really nice acer

over the road to Boots the chemist, for some reason one of my medications was 28 or 1 months supply short, meaning that instead of calling in every 2 months I would now have to call in every 1 month, apparently for some reason the doctor had given me 2 months of everything else, except one, the solution I was told by the pharmacists, make an appointment to see the doctor and have him change the prescription, appointment made in 3 weeks time, his earliest day available, over the road to the bus stop,

Diana had a long wait for her 354, so long that as the 354 bus she was on passed me at Lidl, as I waited for a 54 to take me to Kingfisheries,

at the stop opposite the shop, This 'N' That just opening,

the baskets on the railings of the florists next door looking nice,

over the road to the shop, I dropped off some printing then a 358 to Bromley,

arriving there I made my way past Primark,

and into the Glades, I had been given a PUC number I think it is called, by EE as they finally admitted that the biggest telephone provider in the UK could not give a signal just 9 miles from the centre of London, Trafalgar Square, so bad was their service that they allowed me to cancel the contract half way through with no cost or penalties to myself, it always makes me laugh when I see Keven Bacon tell the UK how great the service is, if only he knew how bad and indeed non existence 9 miles from the centre of London in reality it really was!

so into the Vodaphone shop, where as it happens the assistant there was so helpful, he gave me a cheaper deal with 3 times the the amount of data I had with EE, it pays to shop around! my telephone will switch on tomorrow as a new SIM card was fitted.

back into the High Street,

next for me Lidl,

shopping done, back to Beckenham on the 227,

a couple of photographs of the churchyard,

and graveyard that is normally in darkness when I return form Penge,

over green,

the hanging baskets looking nice,

as I crossed the railway bridge, some work was going on at The Pearl restaurant,

the outside seating area being given a real talking too,

into the park and home, after my evening meal I watched a Midsomer Murder, which conveniently finished just as Diana arrived home, so feet up for a coffee and a chat as we watched a New Tricks before we were off to bed.

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