Monday 30 May 2022

Yesterday I Made Mention In The Morning,

of a couple of items in our posts,

and then read about them in the newspapers and in a book I am reading, firstly I mention the  the monkey hangers of Hartlepool, UK and asked the question "Should Animals Pay For Their Crimes?" and by a strange coincidence in the afternoon read that animals could execute the criminal that tried to steal them!

this is the page that I read that account, as it happens I was reading about the Halifax gibbet, which was later taken up by Dr. Gullitin and used to great effect in France,

 the second item was how much I enjoyed the comedian Ricky Gravis, I should mention before you watch the above video there are a few adult words in it. apparently the show upset all of the snowflake queers out there, from the article, "Gervais, creator of The Office, angered Twitter's 'woke' brigade following the broadcast of his new Netflix special, SuperNature, which mocks cancel culture with jokes about trans people, Hitler and AIDS, (cripples and religion), my brackets, the show has sparked a backlash from LGBT groups and has seen Gervais accused of hate crimes, how pathetic, do these people not realise that comedians tell jokes that some may find offensive, but to others like myself and the audience find so funny! the good news is that you can watch Ricky on Netflix and make your own mind as to how hilarious the show was, and not have your viewing censored by holier than thou self appointed groups, how strange that two items should both come up on the same day.

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