Sunday 8 January 2023

If You Have Ever Wanted To Buy A Robot Vacuum Cleaner,

you will know they are pretty expensive,

so when a Shanghai-based Youtuber saw one for sale at just 27 yuan online, at today's rate £3.26 or $3.95 he bought 20 of them! It all looked good, he unpacked one and tried it, it all sort of went well, even if it did miss a few pieces of paper, until he realized that it did not have a functioned to stop it falling downstairs, also the cleaner had a nasty habit of blocking itself into a corner, but I have to admit the sight of 20 of them all working at once looks pretty cool and I guess many of his YouTube followers thought so as well, but at 27 yuan each, what a bargain, if only they worked as well as the more expensive ones!

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