Tuesday 30 May 2023

Although It Is Tuesday,

as soon as I post this I will be out, 

to visit Duncan, for two reasons, firstly yesterday was his birthday, but as it was a bank holiday I did not visit him as both trains and buses would have a limited service, secondly there is a train strike on Wednesday, so Tuesday it is, I had a quite day, Diana was at work, after my normal routine I played more than a few games of World of Warships, despite the occasional catastrophic wipe out I was sort of doing well, above one of my familiar endings, it is a screen shot of me the captain going down with my ship, as it happens I had amassed a number of credits and battle honours which if I did not claim them would soon run out, and there was the rub, to claim them I had to get a Amazon gaming account, which meant joining Amazon Prime, I like the game, but not enough to pay £7.99 per month to play it, 

in the late afternoon I watched the Battle of Britain, released in 1969 a real boys own gung-ho war time movie, from one reviewer of the film who reviews the film:

"From the very start of the film, Guy Hamilton's direction and the great musical score left me spellbound even when I knew how the story ended. The casting was flawless. Olivier looked like Dowding. Trevor Howard could pass for Keith Park's twin brother and I swear Goering himself had a small part in the film too. I've always wondered if Robert Shaw's role of the squadron leader "Skipper" wasn't patterned after famed RAF pilot A.G. "Sailor" Malan. If it was, Shaw looks a lot like Malan. "War in the Air" is one of my favourite pieces of music and it flows beautifully through the film. Great acting by Christopher Plummer, Michael Caine, and one of my favourites, Edward Fox makes this movie a must see for any WWII buff",

the above says it all, after my evening meal I decided on another couple of World of Warships, I think the game must have read my thoughts that I was not going to pay £7.99 per month, if you look at the screen shot below at the top of the screen there are green ships, myself and other allies and red ships, the enemy, and when a ship is sunk, the image turns black,

I somehow sailed into the enemy fleet, if you look at the middle of the screen there is a green ship in the middle, that is me, on both sides of me there are 4 or 5 red ships, and I was in all of their sights! and despite my best efforts at evasion was blown out of the water so fast my green ship at the top of the screen had not yet had time to turn to black to say I was sunk! I called it a night after that,

and decide to watch Venom, Venom, basically a alien takes over a humans body, great special effects and Tom Hardy really gives the film his all, towards the end of which Diana returned home, so a coffee a chat and feet up for a Midsomer Murder before we were of to bed.

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