Friday 19 May 2023

Diana Was On Late Shift Today,

so after posting the blog and my exercises,

I started the day with a real treat, a good old English breakfast, 

with a mug of tea, after Diana left for work I started watching some YouTube fails, about life in general as well as ones about boats, hobbies, pets, sports, well you name it, but just occasionally I came across one that featured games, and one game in particular I took a liking to, 

image IGN World of Warships, so much so I decided to download the game, apparently it is free, when I say download, I did not know it would take literally hours to do so! but eventually I started my first game, as captain of a ship, I soon learnt there are a number of ways to be sunk, ramming one of your own team, them ramming you, running aground, hitting an iceberg, did I mention enemy fire? so far in the game I have yet to encounter enemy aircraft, mines or submarine, but what good fun when it all comes together! as it happens I started playing in earnest after my evening meal, then I looked up, outside it was dark at 10.20 in the evening! so after which Diana arrived home, so it was a coffee and a chat and feet up for a Midsomer Murder before we were off to bed.

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