Sunday 14 May 2023

Diana And Myself Watch So Many Quiz Shows,

and listen to the final answer so often, 

photograph US Department of Transportation, and the final question? "what are you going to do with the money?" and every so often the answer is, "travel across America on Route 66" the route runs from Chicago to Los Angeles, it was for a long the main highway to the western United States, approved in 1926 (and completed in 1938), it remains a icon of its time, 

in 1946, Nat King Cole recorded a song that ensured everyone knew Route 66, this version above with the songs lyrics so you can sing along too!

but for myself it is the Rolling Stones version above, that I associate so much with the route, 

as it happens there was also a TV show called Route 66 in the 1960s, back to the route, in the 1980s, the interstate highway system bypassed and replaced Route 66, a lot of it fell into ruin, but now the good news, ahead of the road's 100th anniversary, and some states are working on repairing and preserving their portions of Route 66 to bring it back to its mid-century glory, many of the famous gas stations, hotels, and tourist stops along the way are also staging a comeback, and now you can read about the roads comeback at the Smithsonian, click the link: the state of Route 66's revival, so anyone looking for a trip of a lifetime, hit Route 66!

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