Wednesday 17 May 2023

As It Is Wednesday,

again I will be only making one post,

as soon as I have posted this I will be out to visit Duncan, back to Tuesday, I had a few things to do today, I had learnt that the scaffolders will be arriving in the first week of June, so another key to cut, I also wanted to pop Duncan's birthday card into the post, I thought it would be nice for him to revive it in the post rather than me dropping it off when I visit, his birthday is not until the end of the month, but with the problems Bromley is having with its postal service, I thought I had better post it early, I still had the glue gun downstairs, so refrigerator magnet repair it was, a number had fallen to the floor and broken, and some had become detached from their magnets,

the funny looking 'U' shape,

is a part of Nessie,

next out into a fine day,

the horse chestnut tree in flower, note to self, do not take photographs into the sun!

into and out of the key cutting shop,

and to the post box, on the way I had a look in St. Christopher's charity shop and made a small purchase,

past the green,

card posted and I was walking back past the church,

and past Foxgrove Lodge into the park, the fragrance of the wisteria still in the air, even though it was slightly windy, 

the rhododendrons now,

really starting to open,

I took a couple of photographs of the horse chestnut trees,

now with the sun behind me, this one with lots of flowers,

on its lower branches,

and nice they looked too,

a little further along the pathway,

a white wisteria over growing a balcony,

not as popular as the normal ones but still nice to look at, a bit too far away to tell if it was scented,

and this is what I bought at St. Christopher's, I have to fess up, some time ago I broke the really nice Waterford crystal sherry glass that Diana had bought for me, so this is the replacement, me and kitchens! in the afternoon I watched a few documentaries, after my evening meal it was feet up for a Simpsons, followed by a Outback Opal Hunters and a Midsomer Murder, after which Diana arrived home, today and for the next few days she will be on late shift, so a chat, a Have I Got More News For You and we were off to bed.

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