Saturday 20 May 2023

With Summer Just Around The Corner,

it is time to bring out the ice cube mould, 

for those long lazy summertime afternoon drinks, but these moulds are more than a bit different, the "Mangagoori (Comic Ice Sillicone Tray)" turns ice into shapes that look like the sound effects you see in Jojo's Bizarre Adventure and manga in general, 

the tray comes in 3 letters that are frequently used in manga, "Go (katakana)", "Do (katakana)" and "A (hiragana)",

available at Runatown, a Japanese online shopping site, priced at 1,029 yen per tray, at todays rate £5.99 or $7.46, as it happens the site is full of so many toys and nick knacks that are so unique to Japan, also on the good news front, as summer finishes do not put the moulds away, they can also be used to mould chocolate, yummy!

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