Sunday 28 May 2023

Diana Was On Late Shift Today,

and as we had a picnic planned for Sunday,

we both went into town,

summer shirt today, it was a tad hot with my jacket, but in the shade I was glad I brought it along,

a clear blue sky as we left the park, we went shopping in Marks & Spencer's, as it happened we had left home early and we had a hour to kill before it was time for Diana's bus to get her to work on time,

so into O'Neil's, for Diana a O2 orange,

a larger and lime for myself, 'Cheers!', it was whilst we were sitting here we realised we had forgotten the ice, 

so we left for the bus stop a few minutes early, I sat near the green as Diana popped over the road,

to Marks & Spencer's opposite, and returned with the ice, 

on to the bus and off to work,

for myself it was home and time for a Saturday afternoon film,

in the vain hope of improving my seamanship what better than the blockbuster Midway, great cast and as a bonus real footage that was taken at the time were included in the film, will watching it improve my World of Warship skills? I very much doubt it!

it was time for my read and sherry, I continued reading Labyrinths by Jorge Francisco Isidoro Luis Borges Acevedo, two more stories this evening, The Wall and the Books, followed by Partial Magic in the Quixote, 'Cheers!',

for my evening meal a huge cottage pie, I know I have said it before, must use a bigger plate!

eyes down and tuck in, 

next my film for the evening, The Cloverfield Paradox, I had watched the film before and this is what I said then, "absolutely stunning special effects, they were so good it almost makes putting a man on the Moon a mission that can be done in a studio!", after which Diana returned home, as we did not have to get up early on Sunday, (tomorrow), we stayed up late,

and watched Jumanji: The Next Level, which was great fun if you enjoyed the others in the series, which we did, next for us the the early hours of the morning, we were off to bed.

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