Sunday 22 August 2021

A Quick Sunday Morning Question,

what are tetrafluoromethane and hexafluoroethane?

easy answer they are both gases, deadly ones as far as our planet is concerned, I am guessing that we all know that CO2, (carbon dioxide), causes global warming well these 2 gases are are thousands of times more effective than carbon dioxide at warming the atmosphere and it appears that the amount of them being produce is rapidly rising, now the difficult bit, from the article:

Official tallies of tetrafluoromethane and hexafluoroethane emissions from factories are too low to account for the levels in the air, which began to rise in 2015 after seven years of relative stability. Seeking to pinpoint the sources of those emissions, Jooil Kim at the University of California, San Diego, and his colleagues analysed air samples collected roughly every 2 hours between November 2007 and December 2019 on South Korea’s Jeju Island. The scientists also modelled the weather patterns that transported air across the island during that period, to track the gases’ origins. The results suggest that aluminium smelters in China account for a large proportion of these chemicals in the atmosphere. Semiconductor factories in South Korea and Japan are probably also to blame.

I wonder if anyone has taken the above onboard and had a word with the polluters? above illustration is a modern potline with high-amperage side-by-side prebake cells smelting aluminium, photograph from The Aluminum Smelting Process andInnovative Alternative Technologies.

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