Saturday 14 August 2021

It Is Often Said,

that it is better to rent than buy,

be it flats, houses, cars, boats, planes, expensive jewellery or whatever, but this could be a new renting model, renting an expensive painting then when you grow tired of it return it and rent another expensive work of art, Casie is an innovative service that connects painters and art lovers in a whole new way, instead of brokering the sale of artworks it offers clients the possibility of leasing them by the month, it sort of sounds a bit strange, maybe because it just hasn’t been done before, this benefits both artists, who are able to generate more revenue from their works in the long term, and clients, who get to keep the paintings until they get bored of them and decided to swap them for a new one,

Casie founder, Sho Fujimoto, said that the business model was inspired by a personal experience. His father was a struggling painter who didn’t generate enough revenue to support the family, so they relied on his mother's pay check to get by. The experienced made Sho focus on ways of disrupting the art business, and Casie is a result of that, in the two years that it has been in operation, Casie has grown steadily, becoming more popular every day, today, the company has an average monthly turnover of over 10 million yen, at today's rate £65,720.00 or $90,696.00 and works with a large number of Japanese painters, both novices and experienced, most of whom are extremely happy, when the company goes European I wonder how much to hire Mona for the weekend?

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