Tuesday 27 April 2021

As I Was Typing The Blog,

one of the crows called by,

I was a tad slow with the camera,

whilst Diana was at work I had a few things to do, firstly Diana's telephone has been playing up for the past week or more, so we decided to back up all of her photographs on it, I was off to Curry's, a nice start to the day,

I walked to the 352 bus stop passing some nice cherry trees on the way,

arriving at the shopping centre I passed Sainsburys,

into Curry's for a 8TB external hard drive, just the one in stock which was all I wanted, great service from the staff there, on the sales invoice he is named as Catarine, also what I also wanted was a new pair of brogues, I tried a couple of shops here, but no luck, either eye wateringly expensive, or not my style, but I did notice a bus that went to Lewisham, so off I went, the bus took the most roundabout route I could possibly imagine, I went to places in south east London I had never been to before!

after what seemed an age I arrived in Lewisham, where there is a large outdoor market,

selling all manner of goods, 

I tried a few shops like this one on the left,

but still no luck,

as I made my way past the stalls,

it was not to be,

so on to the number 54 bus for the journey home, the speed of the bus and cars dictated by the slowest bicycle rider,

still it was a direct route home, this building as I have mentioned before still in a permanent state of repair,

near Lewisham hospital some nice trees by the bus stop,

past the Catford cat,

soon arriving at Peter Pans Pool,

where the Homebase is situated,

it seemed strange looking down on the other park entrance, this is the one that cars use to park in Beckenham Place Park, the entrance we normally walk through is blocked to vehicles,

and this is it, although we can drive to where we live, we can not drive through the park to the other entrance, the wisteria here on Foxgrove Lodge starting to open,

in another week or so there will be so many photographs taken,

of the lodge,

as I walked back home the cherry blossom still looking nice,

arriving home I unpacked the Seagate 8TB hub, I will play with that tomorrow,

after my evening meal I watched Dr. Strangelove, I had watched it before but was still enjoyable to watch again, I followed that with a New Tricks,

Diana was on late shift today, so it was not until 00.55 AM Tuesday morning that Diana called, a quick walk to the bus stop and we were home, feet up for a chat before we were off to bed.

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