Friday 23 April 2021

I Had Always Thought,

that Tyrannosaurs Rex,

was a solitary creature, I have no idea why, but there it is, photograph courtesy of Dr. Alan Titus, but now comes news of another mass T. Rex grave site, in the past, palaeontologists have long debated whether the huge dinosaurs lived and hunted alone or in groups, however, with other findings of pack formations in Alberta, Canada, and Montana, the Utah finding may bring closer together the belief of a social T. rex, in the Canadian discovery, the 12 individuals found over 20 years ago by Dr. Philip Currie, many scientists doubted T. rexes had the brainpower to organize into anything complex and thought it was an isolated case, Montana's site built upon the social theory, but now this third site may bring more certainty to the idea, the site could imply that the dinosaurs liked to travel in packs. Thanks to the discovery of the first T. rex mass death site in Utah, evidence of the species’ pack-like behavior was found. According to Dr. Joe Sertich, curator of dinosaurs at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science, the discovery “should be the tipping point for reconsidering how these top carnivores behaved and hunted across the northern hemisphere during the Cretaceous:” 

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