Wednesday 7 April 2021


and it was another early start for Diana,

safely on the bus I made my way home, the M & S lorry was late,

well just a tad as it arrived as I walked by,

 Beckenham Green deserted, to be fair was only 04.15AM!

as I was typing the blog, the crow called by as usual,

so like yesterday I took a video of him,

he must have been hungry, he called by twice! by now Diana was home, when of all things in the afternoon,

it snowed!

just a few flurries but it was cold, after our evening meal,

 it was feet up for News of the World, five years after the end of the Civil War, Captain Jefferson Kyle Kidd (Tom Hanks), now moves from town to town as a non-fiction storyteller, he crosses paths with a 10-year-old girl taken by the Kiowa people. Forced to return to her aunt and uncle, Kidd agrees to escort the child across the harsh and unforgiving plains of Texas. However, the long journey soon turns into a fight for survival as the traveling companions encounter danger at every turn, a very enjoyable movie showing a part of the ‘Wild West’ after the civil war, 

photograph ITV we followed that with the second instalment of Britain's Tiger Kings, in which Ross Kemp chats to owners of exotic animals, it was was factual enough although there were a few drama queens interviewed regarding keeping dangerous pets, we rounded off the evening wit a New Tricks after which we were off to bed.

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